Do you fit in any of them ?
1) The Connoisseurs
The kind of Luxury Travelers who knows the “right addresses” to find the most exquisite delicacies and to satisfy their noble desires everywhere the go. They know the hidden corners of the luxury world because they make part of it, having done this naturally for a long time. The Connoisseurs are well cultured travelers and language experts able to fully understand the most sophisticated European restaurant menu descriptions or to recognize the right value of a piece of art whenever they face one. They are extremely picky people magnetically attracted to expensive brands and to the traditions they represent. This means that the Connoisseurs are also a sort of prisoner of their own traditionalism. A simple Connoisseur can’t travel the whole world because he feels uncomfortable to deal with experiments. The new and the unknown are simply out of boundaries for them, and there will be always many nice luxury destinations missing on their lists.
2) The Exclusivists
Opposing the traditionalism of the Connoisseurs there are the Exclusivists. The sort of traveler who wants to go anywhere, with the sole condition that no one within their world has ever been there before. They are focused in authenticity more than luxury itself but they spend huge amounts of money to visit the most remote Islands in the globe and to be the first to do so. Sometimes they find themselves in some uncomfortable situations only to settle their conquering flag, and never to regret it. They are exclusive content producers always seeming to be scared of the traditions or to be following the steps of someone else. The Exclusivists also feel recognized when they give their followers out-of-ordinary recommendations. They are not specific brands fan, but they do love to have expensive limited-series articles from luxury brands to proudly exhibit in public in way to keep their differences from anyone else. But the total exclusivists are maybe missing the best wonders of the world only because others have attested them before.
3) The Followers
These are the complementary people to the two other groups above. The ones who are seeking and following somebody else´s steps every time. They simply can’t move one step ahead when they see themselves out of the trail. They are easy rich travelers following a defensive secure recipe and they represent the largest group between the luxury travelers. The Followers are spending lots of money staying in recommended luxury hotels and buying recommended expensive goods, sometimes running the risk of being trapped by sponsored indications without noticing it. But no bad experience would ever affect their behavior of checking every instruction before moving on. They will look traditionalist when they are following a Connoisseur or look like vanguard-lovers when following an Exclusivist. In other words, they don’t have one single travelling personality nor they are exclusive content producers. But no worries. They don’t care. They are the happiest travelers.
4) The Strugglers
The Strugglers are saving money for an all-year-long period to reach the budget to upgrade their next trip to the luxury level, not caring exactly where they are flying to. They generally pick promotions and opportunities to achieve their targets and to be part of the game. They struggle and re-arrange their itinerary many times in way to fit into their possibilities a single night stay at a super-luxury hotel or one single dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant. And when they reach their goals, they promptly pose for pictures. They take hundreds of them for the social media, in the name of being accepted to the luxury world. The Strugglers may be sometimes the most worried kind of travelers when it comes to pay the bills, but they are also the happiest ones, when it comes to the impressions they leave.