No matter ho many times you have visited Europe, one thing is sure: You didn´t get to know it all. And this has a reason. Because of its geographical privileged condition, the region (Europe is not actually a continent) has been inhabited by different groups of humans for many thousand years. This people have found the perfect conditions for the human evolution that led it to be one step ahead of other the regions most of the time. Everything that happened in Europe, from the Roman Empire to the Industrial Revolution, passing thru the Christianization, the Middle Ages, the Enlightenment and the Age of Discovery, among others, it has shaped the region as a very singular place. The results are notorious when it comes to wealth, but the most important picture, it concerns culture. Check this.
Among the events that shaped Europe, some of them were destructives like the invasions, the wars and the plague. These events have also contributed to isolate human groups as we saw in the Feudalism, who led many cultures to evolve in different directions, creating multiple languages and particular habits. Europe today caries more than 200 hundred spoken dialects,
In a tourism perspective: The visitors in Europe has a lot to win. Every time you cross a border of one of its 51 independent countries, there comes a new world. Actually when you simply travel from one city to another neighboring one, this may be enough to see how the things change. The recipes change and the wine variety to. If you speak the local language you may distinguish some local dialect. Sometimes a totally different language. Each of the European cities, even the smallest ones, they have a full rich ancient and recent history to be told and to be appreciated.
Note: As Brazilians, we see a huge difference in terms of heritage. The Brazilian natives didn´t leave us much of their ancient culture. No survivable constructions, no witen languages or literature,almost no music or any sort of art. Nothing except a small oral tradition. An almost blank history heritage to be told. The Europeans were the ones who brought the language and about 99% of our history. Brazil was shaped at once with and European culture and one single language, the Portuguese. Not as interesting as Europe for cultural tourism.
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